@smashingmag jRespond has an easier syntax imho https://t.co/dLUyuplx But lacks the first_enter event.
rem http://t.co/6dg1deau with full support from all browser vendors -1. Hopefully this grows in to The single resource for web folk over specs.
@rodneyrehm Su-We, learning from you guys ;-)
sir_pepe TypeScript (Teil 1/2): die Fakten http://t.co/nfrjNWOL #gebloggt
@maddesigns o/
Booked AO-Ho(s)tel for #btconf again. Who is joining?
(Nearly) everything to know about scaling and compressing images for Retina: 1. http://t.co/cVtsBEAb Now the follow-up: http://t.co/3Fba846N
Just visited a website where a click on an image resulted in a Windows XP styled popup (blue frame, red cross) running flash. Hangover III.