@yellowled thx!
@gallenkamp zumindest schon länger als responsive, stimmt.
@yellowled ach. Ich meine den Begriff. Ich habe es damals ja auch „semifluide Layouts“ genannt. I.S.v. Breakpoints.
Does anyone know when the term „responsive design“ for web layouts was first mentioned?
oder ich kannte ihn eben nicht.
Krass, der Artikel ist erst knapp über 2 Jahre alt und den Begriff „Responsive Design“ gab es so wohl noch nicht http://t.co/9NETNRcr
@tobiastom cool, also have to do that (kind of) next week…
Setup to Build Responsive Websites - http://t.co/K49Fliqw
bastianallgeier What a fantastic idea to combine print and screen design: http://t.co/2L7TzYJ4 /via @philippoehrlein
Phew, only 17 Euro roaming costs for data in Amsterdam. Feared a lot more.
processwire If you like ProcessWire please nominate it for the Critics Choice CMS Awards (last day to nominate): http://t.co/TYFgsy2z
@MarcoZehe Service-Tweet: Zeigt fast nur Bilder von Mitt Romney ;-)
Google image search for „completely wrong“ is… not wrong at all ;-) https://t.co/7KnQAoJa
Fridge decoration http://t.co/AccsuxBQ
It’s like Pinterest for shopping addicted. Or Instagram for bad product photography. Don’t get it. #ebay
New eBay http://t.co/ZiFbevzF (via @witsches )
VaderAtHome Best thing about me: I can use the Force to do some great “Look, no hands!” tricks for the kids.
Worst: I have no hands. Thanks, Obi-Wan.