@kunane also heute dann Spinat ;-) thx!
@sashtown tja. Keine Ahnung. Und Googeln ist sinnfrei, da erzählt jeder was anderes.
@kunane thx! Wenn es in Bier drin ist, sehe ich kein Problem :D was wäre sonst „zuerst“ bemerkbar? Eisen schon, oder?
@73inches thx! Was that the reason unfollowing me? :D
@gallenkamp cool, danke. Bei dem Thema googeln ist sonst einfach beknackt, nur Scharlatane und Halbwissen.
So Lentils for the rescue. Thanks! (even more gas, why not ;-) )
@gallenkamp thx! Wie baut man das ein wenn nicht gerade im Müsli? Weizen aufn Salat, Haferflocken… als Panade? Hirse einfach so rein?
5 days without meat, my body makes strange things. No wonder after 37 years of eating meat daily. Tips for replacement of iron and B12?
Uploaded the slides of my jam talk on #fronteers12 on @slideshare http://t.co/lVUuEONa // @fronteersConf
Divides your site into small pieces of shit with no logic and sense. Cool, I’m gonna be rich. #shitgrid
Time to create the ultimative Ninja Awesome Rockstar grid system: SHITGRID.
And these guides are only for an overlay, not the whole site. Gridshit.
Just discovered the guides in this PS document I am working on since 3d. Looking forward to the first correction. http://t.co/fpsCmVT8
ThePoke Nothing to see here. Just a small horse and a little old lady in an Apple Store. http://t.co/0PeS5M3f
Happy Birthday @phlp all the best! Follow him, now!
@maddesigns the famous Amsterdam flu…