no more thing, just a beep. Hmm.
@MarkusSchott jaja, genau :D
I am totally happy with my Retina MacBook Pro, which is the most beautiful computer ever bui…. oh wait.
@MarkusSchott ist das unter der Einfuhrgrenze dann?
@helmi aber auch mit besserem Prozessor als das 3er (lernte ich gerade)
iPad3 is… gone?
RT @343max: Steve Balmer schmeißt gerade mit Möbeln um sich.
@paddya91 iPhone früher nächstes Jahr, iPad dann wieder im Herbst. So wars ja auch mal.
@paddya91 ne, dünner geht immer.
@phlp ups.
So the summary is: iPad3 has a new case?
@msslovi0 the same. Really amazing what they did (again).
Phew, no new media queries needed :D
@paddya91 ham die nicht schon sowas?
Can I phone with this?
In the next economic encyclopaedia edition under „Product cannibalism“: iPad4
@bastianallgeier wait for it, continues after a while
There is no market for a tablet computer.
Were there some rumors about this… thing?
If german GEMA really gets paid for the music Apple provides in this live stream?
@rodneyrehm @tobiastom Ihr gebt Euch echt jeden Scheiss :D
So, You Want to Be a Front-End Engineer?
@derSchepp @iandevlin @isellsoap This is so creative I even googled if this is allowed in some weird spec :D
This is so wrong on so many levels. Impressive.
Soooo, ready for the daily throw up? Here you go (needless to say that document is declared as XHTML)
LOL (via @SvnEs )
@fhemberger DU nicht, stimmt :-)
@derSchepp @fhemberger Und Ihr beschwert Euch über Browser-Bashing.
how am I supposed to turn off the sounds for „start new tweet“ and „new tweet sent“ in Tweetbot final? Have checked „Notifications only“.
Read this: @MarcoZehe on the current disappointing state of accessibility perception by agencies and developers
@paddya91 cool :-)
@mathias well, then go for it :D
VOTE! “@UberFacts: Barack Obama was the first president to ever brew beer in the White House.â€