@martin_fa @silviii_t Überraschende Antwort: Kommt darauf an ;-) Je nach Anforderung, aber meistens völlig überladen.
@cainvommars naja, wie willste es sonst machen? Kannst halt jedem Element einzeln ein reset-Mixin verpassen. Dann ist die Liste nich so lang
@cainvommars nope.
@cainvommars ja, das nervt schon ein bisschen. Aber im Endeffekt kommt der Kram dann ja weiter unten, weil oben genauer spezifiziert.
Have to mark that day in my calendar. Two „bugs“ in Firefox where IE runs as expected (and as in Chrome created).
@cainvommars oder meinste zum bestehenden Frontend? :D
@cainvommars mach ich auch. Nicht alle sind normalize-Verfechter ;-)
@sir_pepe kommt drauf an, wie verzweifelt die sind. Bzw. wie deren Kenntnisstand ist.
nerdfaced Nailed it. http://t.co/Ofx3pmNU
@sir_pepe ach mit flexbox kann man schon was schönes machen.
Best save ever in soccer… Unbelievable! http://t.co/qzWFdR99!
@tcaspers @rodneyrehm frau.app made my day ;-)
@MarcoZehe Interesting! So they should do something!
@MarcoZehe and offer a skip link to the timeline entry you clicked it.
@MarcoZehe well, that is the problem then. How should the browser know where just last read? But they could catch the link you clicked
@MarcoZehe readers of course don’t have those. So somehow the screenreaders need to fire some events if needed like current reading position
@MarcoZehe Yeah but to position itself the screen reader has to tell the site where you are. Usually done with scroll events. But screen
@MarcoZehe …screenreaders have something like scroll events? Is it possible to locate your current reading position?
@MarcoZehe but shouldn’t be a problem to implement. Just a „skip to last reading position“ link. They know where it was… or not? Have…
@MarcoZehe i would call those features „basic“, dunno why they are not able to implement those things. Hate to say it but fb is way ahead.
@MarcoZehe If you scroll down the timeline and click a twitpic and then go back you are at the beginning of the TL again, all items lost etc
@MarcoZehe Don’t use the official app either. But compared to Tweetbot it is a mess(DM not refreshing automatically without browser refresh)
@rthrash thx Ryan, seemed to be one of the last installed apps. Deleted them and now it seems to be normal again.
@Immobilienscout deleted Immowelt and Immonet, seems to be normal again ;-)