@danny_munich @sashtown ja, schon klar. Machste aber 1 Tag vor Ende auch nicht mehr. Und ändert nichts an der Tatsache unbrauchbarer Apps.
Drosseln bei Limit-Überschreitung ist ja okay,@congstarr , aber so ziemlich sämtliche Anwendungen unbenutzbar machen ist doch scheiße.
@chambaz agreed!
@chambaz got it ;-) I initially thought about another use case. But for heavy content websites that sounds reasonable.
@chambaz ok, could make sense for images. But performance win for not rendering markup shouldn’t be that huge, is it?
@chambaz then there is no difference to display: none in the first place ;-) or which use case do you have in mind?
@chambaz only use case I see is for additional (and changing the environment) markup. But that only makes sense if markup is commented back.
@chambaz yes,but wouldn’t it be consequent to not only hide markup but comment it if media matches (again)?