bryanrieger @beep would be nice if we could get folks to see performance as an accessibility issue regardless of location, language or economics.
RT @beep: I snark, but there’s something to be said about the relentless and broken optimism of web design practices in more developed mark…
@wumble hm, braucht man für alles nen Namen? Wenn dann würde ich es Ratio-Boxen nennen.
Hate „this“ Tweets. But 1000x… THIS. Thank @brad_frost for putting into words what I cannot express for half a life.
@Gernot super Artikel, danke.
How Apple iOS protection really works and why Apple won’t give the authorities what they want, great explanation.
jmspool Design Sprints: An Ignition System for Innovation Project Teams
@vanschneider This one does the job:
The sticking parts don’t stick that long but it works also without.
@FabianBeiner Ist doch das gleiche :D
@FabianBeiner Hasse wieder mal gescraped? :D
mdowd If the FBI want to get into an iPhone w/o users permission, they should ask someone who’s done it before, like U2
It’d be interesting to know what Google says. I guess the FBI requested the same for Android.
Wow, Apple. Wow.