MadeMyDay (@MadeMyDay)

Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @MadeMyDay ever

April 1st, 2021

@tkraftner @mmatuzo If dynamic equals WordPress, agreed 😀

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@tkraftner @mmatuzo You have to check this out:

There is happening a lot in two years 😉

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@tkraftner @mmatuzo 1. Yeah, same goes for the CSS you wrote otherwise for those classes ;-)
2. Yes, I think this i…

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@tkraftner @mmatuzo Hm. As long as those class names are „listed“ somehow in the code it should work. You can even…

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@tkraftner @mmatuzo What I mean: The purge process „just“ has to run over those files which actually use TW. And wh…

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@tkraftner @mmatuzo Well, the third party code will not use Tailwind so gets merged in either way, right? PHP shoul…

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@tkraftner @mmatuzo What kind of CMS? I use templates, written in PHP, purge the whole template folder and habe no problems with bloating.

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@MatthiasEberl @vowe Es geht vermutlich eher darum, dass am selben Tag die Einführung der Luca-App in Hessen verkündet wurde.

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Wenn Demos wieder richtig gehen und die Antifa wieder richtig Kohle machen kann 😬

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@HerrLuehmann @janboehm Dachte der wäre mittlerweile bei der AfD. Hm.

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Stack Overflow pulled den wohl besten Aprilscherz seit sehr, sehr langem.


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@__mabi_ Vermutlich ja. Aber anhalten, sobald er aussteigt Bahn räumen dürfte gehen. Und dann eben repeat.

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