MadeMyDay (@MadeMyDay)

Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @MadeMyDay ever

October 10th, 2012

Yep. This is it. The most stupid thing ever created in this internet. Internet <3

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seb_ly ha! This is kind of amazing. Simpsons title sequence done with real actors. /via @tanya

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@derSchepp @derPepo ProcessWire has a jQuery-like $page->images->eq(4) for that.

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@derSchepp @derPepo well, should work. But if you need the 5th, this is gonna be… long nexting ;-)

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@msslovi0 Retina MacbookPro Displays fehlerhaft / anfällig.

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@derPepo nahein… print_r($page->images()) natürlich ;-)

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@derPepo $page->images()[2]->url() in Kirby.

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@derPepo well, $page->images()[2]->url of course if you need the url. CAn’t see from the docs why this shouldn’t work. What says print_r?

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@derPepo @derSchepp haven’t used Kirby but shouldn’t $page->images()[1] or $page->images()[2] work?

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Leaving this here, haven’t seen it yet.! (Somebody That I Used to Know - Old School Computer Remix)

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„You can create them too. Get started now…“ yeah, YOU probably can. Me not.

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C_Holler Noch 4,5 Stunden um #LSR zu stopppen. Sind ja nur 6.666/h. Challenge accepted?

via web (retweeted on 8:00 PM, Oct 10th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Luckily @overheardatmoo posted my business cards creation on Facebook so I can see what went wrong (cards already printed) D’OH #me #dumbass

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@closingtag Naja, stell Dir die Startseite vor mit 50 News, 25 mit Bildern 25 Teaser. Mobil dann nur 10 Bilder + 20 Teaser + 20 Headlines.

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jaffathecake If, like me, you struggle to explain the internet to elderly relatives, this is very useful

via web (retweeted on 7:34 PM, Oct 10th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@closingtag … man den Polyfill anpasst. Theoretisch sollte das machbar sein.

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@closingtag … aber erstmal testen. Theoretisch hätte man dann bei 10 „ausgeblendeten“ Bildern nur einen Request. Oder gar keinen, wenn…

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@closingtag Ja. Bzw. wenn ein Bild aufm Smartphone gar nicht erst gebraucht wird in dem media-Bereich als „nix.jpg“ definieren. Muss ich…

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@closingtag Bildchen?Generell Bilder?Was genau meinst Du? picture-Element oder Polyfill mit Fallback auf „nix.jpg“ wenn nicht gebraucht o.ä.

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@msslovi0 @yatil Ja wie geil ist das denn? Hammer. Perfektes Timing! Werde ich mir in Ruhe reinziehen, habe gerade auch so… Tendenzen.

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What about WiFi? :D “@UberFacts: Families who turn off the television during meals tend to be healthier.”

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My personal „Boston Globe project“ got fixed. Starting later this / beginning of next year. This is gonna be interesting. #responsive #news

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@martin_fa hajo, immer über den Tellerrand ;-)

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ahhhhh. Totally makes sense. On INNER pages AND on mobile it does SOMETHING. Otherwise fails.

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Okay, produces a JS error. Nice icon ;-)

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Can somebody tell me what the top left icon does on ?

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HighOnCliches German making an argument for sitzpinkeln :D (click picture to enlarge)

via web (retweeted on 3:14 PM, Oct 10th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Guy asking for a „kind of Grolsch“ site. Can’t believe it after last weeks rants about it ;-)

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Stating the obvious. “@UberFacts: Women’s tears have been proven to biologically reduce sexual desire in men.”

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sir_pepe TypeScript (Teil 2/2): die Einordnung #gebloggt

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:36 AM, Oct 10th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Dear print designers: Setting font colors in PS to #595959 with opacity of 60% results in a #fuckyu in my stylesheet, so plz don’t wonder.

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@rodneyrehm So the official dubbing by Chris is done, let there be the deserved fame :-)

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@sashtown dito. aber gute Übung und erreicht nunmal auch mehr Leute.Wenn es aber international keinen juckt, kann man ja auch wieder zurück.

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